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Learning English for SMK

This blog is intended for English Learning for vocational students

I.       Discussion 
Before you watch the video and read the article, please answer the following questions (you can answer these questions in comment)!
1.      What will you do after you graduate from SMK?
2.      If you want to apply for a job, what things you should prepare for that?
3.      Where can we find a job vacancy?
4.      What do you know about application letter?
5.      Mention the part of application letter!

II.    Watch this video and discuss it with your friend!

III. Application Letter
You have learnt about parts of Application Letter from the video, now please pay attention to another example of application letter and its part!

Points to remember when writing an application letter!
1.      Write the letter in your best handwriting, unless a typed letter has been requested
2.      The letter should be neat, free from grammatical mistakes or punctuation mistakes or punctuation errors.
3.      The source of advertisement should be refered to.
4.      Plan the letter carefully, covering all essential points asked for or further particulars.
5.      The salutation should be normally be “Dear sir” or “Dear madam”
6.      It is usually attach a curriculum vitae of the applicant.


About the Writer

Name              : Risna Lavani, SPd
Institution      : SMK Tinta Emas Indonesia
Email               : bundayasmin33@gmail.com

Introduction to this page

This blog is intended for vocational students of class XII where this blog covers material about the job, how to prepare a job application letter and job interviews.

This blog comes with articles, videos and images related to the material that had been mentioned

SK-KD contained in this material are:

SK (Competency standards):
Understanding simple business letter

KD (Basic Competencies):
Application Letter
Job Interview